
Saturday, February 26, 2005

“There's No Negative In My Program”


We decided to publish features articles, now and then, when we feel they could be helpful to people. Here is one, which qualifies.

This article is really a clever way for the author for promoting a book on “Niche Marketing” on the Internet, through the link at the bottom. However, since it is a quite good and uplifting article, the promotional page it leads to is also quite informative, and since there is nothing to object to what he promotes (nihil obstat, as the Church of old would have put it), as the product is reasonably-priced and excellent, and could prove quite empowering to many, here it is:

“There's No Negative In My Program”, by John Colanzi

Imagine what you could achieve if:

* You were 100 % focused on your goal

* Eliminated all self -doubt

* Believed it were impossible to fail.

Are there really individuals who think like this?

You bet!

I saw a story the other night about two modern day cowboys.

Their real life experiences couldn't have been more amazing
if it was written by a Hollywood screen writer.

The next time I'm tempted to "suck my thumb" and have
a "pity party" I'll think of these amazing men.

The young men are brothers and champion rodeo stars.

But one day their lives were changed by an incredible
twist of fate.

The private plane they were flying in ran out of gas.
The pilot couldn't find anywhere to land safely and
they crashed.

Everyone on board had a broken back except one of the

Battered and bruised he got out of the plane. Looking
at the wreckage he realized the plane was about to catch
fire and all the passengers inside were trapped.

Without hesitation he forgot about his own injuries,
ignored the personal risk to his life and set his mind
on the goal of saving the other passengers including his

He had:

* Focused on his goal

* Left no room for failure

* Took immediate action

The interviewer said to the young man, "You must really
feel like a hero?"

Stoically he replied, "No, I knew what I had to to do.
I don't think of myself as a hero."


No trash talk, no in your face, just a modest young man
focused on what needed to be done.

If you think he's amazing, wait until you hear about his

Well you know about the young hero who saved his brother,
but that was just the beginning of the incredible feats
of these young men.

His younger brother arrived at the hospital with a broken
back. The doctors told him he would never be able to
compete again.

The interviewer asked the young man, "What did it feel
like when the doctors told you you'd never be able to ride

Without a second thought he replied, "I don't think I
really heard what they said." "There's no negative in my

When I heard that I couldn't believe it.

Here's a champion athlete with a broken back and his
only comment is "There's no negative in my program."


I wish I could think like that.

Was he in denial, was he crazy, no way.

Instead of cursing circumstance, crying poor me, he set
a goal and never looked back.

As soon as he was able, he began 4 hours a day of

When commenting on the pain he said, "My only focus was
on what I needed to do to remove the pain."

Low and behold after 16 months of:

* Being 100 % focused on his goal

* Believing it was impossible to fail.

The two brothers are rodeo stars again.

All because "There is no negative in their programs."

Imagine what you could achieve with just half the
determination of these modern day cowboys.

Maybe Willie Nelson knows what he's talking about when
he sings "My heroes have always been cowboys."

Wishing You Success,
John Colanzi

Copyright (c) John Colanzi.

Thursday, February 24, 2005



and what the solution to the problem has to do with biocomposts...

It’s not very clear how the powers-that-be managed to let the following piece of info reach the public, but here it is, in all its splendor, and straight from the mouth of the horse: The food you eat, the water you drink, are poisoned. Poisoned in many ways, sometimes voluntarily (such as with water fluoridation and with aspartame, but also in ways you have no ideas of, such as the one you are going to read about. And, now and then, as is the case here, even the monopoly press has to admit to it!

What comes out of this article is that what average consumers eat and drink is so poisoned, that, in fact, it threatens to destroy the brain of babies, when passing through the milk of their mothers!

And perchlorate is just nothing, compared to aspartame, fluoride, terminator seeds, synthetic hormones, herbicides and pesticides, “Genetically-Modified Organisms” also known as GMOs and “frankenfoods”, and other “partially hydrogenated” goodies! As twice Nobel Laureate, Dr Otto Warburg, put it, you are a fool if you eat anything not grown or by yourself, or by people you know, and can trust!

If you want to know more, and why, you could start with reading “The Cancer Cause - Cancer causes and cofactors: What is causing CANCER?” This article contains numerous quotes by Professor Warburg, from "On The Origin of Cancer Cells," SCIENCE, (24FEB1956), Volume 123, Number 3191, pp. 309-314. It can be found here: .

Dr Otto Warburg wrote, for example, "On The Origin of Cancer Cells," which can be found in SCIENCE, (24 Feb1956), Volume 123, Number 3191, pp. 309-314. He was then the Director of the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. This article is based on a lecture delivered at Stuttgart on 25 May 1955 before the German Central Committee for Cancer Control. It was first published in German [Naturwissenschaften 42, 401 (1955)]. The English translation was prepared by Dean Burk, Jehu Hunter, and W. H. Everhardy of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., with permission of Naturwissenschaften and with collaboration of Professor Warburg, who introduced additional material. Dr Warburg demonstrated that “The first phase of tumor development is initiation. It occurs when cell's genetic makeup get altered, enabling it to divide more freely than it should. DNA can be damaged by: - Radiation - Viruses - Free radicals but mainly: - Chemicals” (Carcinogens - there is more than 500 + known carcinogens today. Many of them are in our food, water and other products that we are using every day).

Dr Warburg warned that unless we as a society change the way we eat, the number of cancers would skyrocket. Indeed, when Dr Warburg warned the powers-that-be and the public, about 1 in 6 or 7 people were going to get cancer in their lifetime in the USA, already up from 1 in 25 or 30 at the beginning of the XXth Century. Today, 50 years later, it is OVER 50%. You have MORE THAN ONE CHANCE IN TWO TO GET CANCER IN YOUR LIFETIME! As for children born right now, their chances are probably already over 90%. Additions to their diets such as perchlorates will do the trick.

[The following copyrighted article is hereby reproduced for non-commercial informational purposes under USC Title 17]:

“Rocket-Fuel Chemical Found in Breast Milk”, By Marla Con, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer, Wed. Feb. 23, 2005. [All emphasis by our staff).

Scientists on Tuesday reported that perchlorate, a toxic component of rocket fuel, was contaminating virtually all samples of women's breast milk and its levels were found to be, on average, five times greater than in cow's milk.

The contaminant, which originates mostly at defense industry plants, previously had been detected in various food and water supplies around the country. But the study by Texas Tech University's Institute of Environmental and Human Health was the first to investigate breast milk.

The findings concern health experts because infants and fetuses are the most vulnerable to the thyroid-impairing effects of the chemical.
Breast milk from 36 women in 18 states, including California, was sampled, and all contained traces of perchlorate.

Perchlorate blocks the nutrient iodide and inhibits thyroid hormones, which are necessary for brain development and cellular growth of a fetus or infant. A baby with impaired thyroid development may have neurological defects that result in lower IQ or learning disabilities.

The researchers recommended that pregnant and nursing women block the effects of perchlorate by taking iodine supplements as a precaution.
At the levels they found in breast milk, the scientists reported that 1-month-old infants would take in enough perchlorate to exceed a safe level, called a reference dose, that was established last month by a panel of the National Academy of Sciences.

"It is obvious that the NAS safe dose … will be exceeded for the majority of infants," the report published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology says. Some infants would ingest so much that they would exceed levels that altered the brain structure of animals in laboratory tests.

The findings come as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is developing an enforceable limit on the amount of perchlorate in drinking water based on the recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences panel. Currently there is no national standard.

"This is not just another study," said Renee Sharp, a senior analyst at the Environmental Working Group, which advocated a strict national standard. "It ends the questions about whether women are passing along perchlorate to their kids through breast milk, and the sky-high levels the scientists found put more than half the kids over the safe levels the NAS now recommends."

Environmentalists have urged the EPA to set its standard based on the body weight and perchlorate intake of an infant rather than an adult. Toxicologists said that would probably mean a standard of a few parts per billion. Pentagon officials have said that would shut down many water systems across the country and cost the military and its contractors billions of dollars in cleanup costs. They have instead lobbied for a standard of about 200 parts per billion based on thyroid studies of adults.

The new findings "will practically force EPA officials to write a drinking water standard that protects infants — not just healthy adults," Sharp said.

California has set its own public health goal of 6 parts per billion but it is not an enforceable limit.

The Texas Tech researchers, led by Andrea Kirk, reported that the perchlorate in breast milk was not linked to the water the mothers drank. Instead, the main source was probably food, which apparently was tainted by irrigation water.

The finding that perchlorate is pervasive in breast milk and reaches high levels is somewhat of a surprise to toxicologists, because, unlike many other industrial chemicals, it does not build up in tissues over time.
Instead, it appears that the amount passed on to the infant in breast milk is determined by what the mother has just eaten.

Perchlorate levels are particularly high in the lower Colorado River, which supplies irrigation water to almost 2 million acres of cropland. The river, government officials believe, has been tainted by leaks from a Kerr-McGee plant near Lake Mead.

The highest perchlorate levels, one reaching 92 parts per billion, were found in the breast milk of two women from New Jersey. The average was 10.5 parts per billion, compared to 2 parts per billion in cow's milk. Forty-six of 47 samples of dairy milk purchased in 11 states, including California, contained perchlorate.

Sujatha Jahagirdar, clean-water advocate at Environment California, an advocacy group, said it was "absolutely appalling" that a component of rocket fuel was found in mother's milk.” We sure agree with him!

And here is what Dr Budwig, a six time Nobel Award nominated doctor (but the powers-that-be each time made sure she did not get the actual prize) had to say about Gaia Ecology, and the influence of what we do, what we eat and what we drink: "Every interference or intervention which disturbs man's biological-dynamic balance, his place in the cosmic scheme of things, in the dipolar field current of Electro-magnetic powers which surrounds the world, and its creatures, and which govern the entire cosmos, every interference with the far reaching relationships, promotes the disease of cancer." -Johanna Budwig, Ph.D. See more about her at .


Do like Dr Otto Warburg did, and GROW YOUR OWN FOOD, in well-prepared soil rich in humus and compost, OR PARTICIPATE in a “Community-Supported Agriculture” scheme with people you can trust!

Not only your life, but the life and well-being of your children as well may depend on it!

Just realize one thing, though: It is IMPOSSIBLE to grow nutritious food in depleted soil! That is why HUMUS is "The Health and Wealth of the Earth" and why BIO-DYNAMIC COMPOSTS are the keys to a rich harvest, because they are the easiest way to reconstitute a rich humus.

Monday, February 21, 2005




Compost tea is ancient. You can find references to it in texts dating back to the Roman Empire (Cato's De Agricultura). So says a real doyenne of dirt, microbial ecologist Elaine Ingham, who wrote this to Ketzel Levine in a recent e-mail:

(Cato the Critic) describes a liquid extract of compost. He also describes adding slaves' blood to the liquid applied to the vines. We would add liquid fish today to get a similar effect.
In the 20th century, compost tea makers preferred the Sock Approach. The recipe went something like this: Fill old sock with compost or manure, immerse sock in pail of water, let steep. When color is sufficiently brown, apply to plants.

But that's way too simple for the 21st century. We now take a more microbially balanced view of things (and, wouldn't you know it, a more marketable one). The Sock Approach, after all, left many with nasty-smelling brews that contained as much bad bacteria as good. So, folks in the field applied themselves to compost tea mixes with just the right combination of microorganisms.

As Elaine Ingham puts it, "Tea works because of the biology in it. If you don't have the necessary biology, you can't get all the benefits."

The benefits are well worth the effort, advocates say. We're talking pest and disease control on leaves (compost tea as foliar spray), bigger and better vegetables (compost tea as muscle juice), compost tea for soil detoxification (to undo the damage you've already done with chemical-based pesticides and synthetic fertilizers), and ultimately, for enhancing soil structure.

Few would argue against the wisdom of adding yummy bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes to the soil. Certainly, compost tea is one way to add them.

But Elaine Ingham does argue that there are charlatans in the biz.

Without naming names, she's not entirely thrilled with some of the commercial brewing kits on the market. She says the tea they make lacks the right mix of microorganisms, and are ineffective. She fears that people will abandon the whole idea of compost tea after sinking time and money into products that are duds.

I brewed up about six gallons of compost tea using the SoilSoup brew machine. I applied several cups of the stuff to strategic plants throughout my garden. I don't expect to see much of anything happen until next spring, and even then, since my soil isn't exactly dust to begin with, I'm not sure I'll see much of a difference.

Nevertheless, I have had my fair share of foliar diseases this year and just a few too many pests, so I'm willing to overcome my general reluctance to intervene (read: lazy gardener), and will continue to experiment with the brewer. No doubt, after the dew-good fades, I'll probably go buy some organic pre-mix and just follow directions. Bottom line, however good it is for me, I've always hated to cook.

Additional Resources:

SoilSoup is the manufacturer of the compost brewer we used in our demonstration. They offer a pretty lively (if decidedly commercial) Web site with useful links.

The Soil Food Web is the brainchild of microbial ecologist Elaine Ingham, author of The Compost Tea Brewing Manual (3rd Edition). You could dawdle here for hours. Skeptics rejoice, she is no-nonsense about her field, as evidenced by her reviews of microbe-brewers.

BBC Laboratories is another micronutrient-rich site and research lab. Love their summary guide for microbial analysis; amaze and impress your friends.

Woods End Research Laboratory is the oldest compost testing lab in the U.S. Stop here to learn about using compost to detoxify soil (a.k.a., bioremediation).

In the best name category, the makers of the Microb Brewer win hands down. Good links page, too.

Some of these links are a bit beyond the casual home-brewer and cater to professionals, but are worth visiting if you're interested in sustainable agriculture.

Alaska Giant: The slideshow will make you a little nuts, but John & Mary Evans clearly mean well with their mail-order compost kits for the home gardener. You can sample their brew at Landscape Supply in Palmer, Alaska. Honest!

Compost Tea: EPM Inc. manufactures both compost tea brewers and vermicomposting systems (remember the worms?).

Growing Solutions, Inc., another brewmaker. Need a 500-gallon tank?

Earthworks wins the good deed award for selling compost tea machines to dozens of U.S. golf courses. Feed your head? Way dated. Now it's Feed Your Soil.

If you've made it this far, here are a couple of articles:
Linda Chalker-Scott, from the Center for Urban Horticulture in Seattle, weighs in on the myths of compost tea.

Homemade compost tea instructions from Organic Gardening.
Here's a succinct article by Elaine Ingham about compost tea, published in the (now defunct) Kitchen Gardener.

[If you want to know more about compost tea, just visit Ketzel Levine's page at: who compiled this information]



To give you an idea of the complexity of the preparation of biodynamic compost, and how incredible results you can get with it, you could look at the following webpages: (fully illustrated)

Here is an excerpt from that site: Biodynamic Compost: Biodynamic compost is a fundamental component of the biodynamic method; it serves as a way to recycle animal manures and organic wastes, stabilize nitrogen, and build soil humus and enhance soil health. Biodynamic compost is unique because it is made with BD preparations 502-507. Together, the BD preparations and BD compost may be considered the cornerstone of biodynamics. Here again, "biological" and "dynamic" qualities are complementary: biodynamic compost serves as a source of humus in managing soil health and biodynamic compost emanates energetic frequencies to vitalize the farm.The traditional manner in which the biodynamic compost is made is rather exacting. After the compost windrow is constructed, Preparations 502-506 are strategically placed 5-7 feet apart inside the pile, in holes poked about 20 inches deep. Preparation No. 507, or liquid valerian, is applied to the outside layer of the compost windrow by spraying or hand watering.Figure 1. Use of Biodynamic Preparations in a Compost PileValerian (507) is mixed into a liquid; a portion is pored into one hole, and the rest is sprinkled over the top of the compost pile.More specific instructions on biodynamic preparations, placement in the compost, compost making, and compost use can be found in the following booklets, available through the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association (BDFGA) in San Francisco, California:Blaser, Peter, and Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. 1984.

Bio-Dynamic Composting on the Farm: How Much Compost Should We Use? Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association, Inc., Kimberton, PA. 23p.Corrin, George. 1960. Handbook on Composting and the Bio-Dynamic Preparations. Bio-Dynamic Agricultural Association, London. 32 p.Koepf, H.H. 1980. Compost - What It Is, How It Is Made, What It Does. Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association, Inc., Kimberton, PA. 18 p.Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried. 1984. Using the Bio-Dynamic Compost Preparations & Sprays in Garden, Orchard, & Farm. Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association, Inc., Kimberton, PA. 64 p.

Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer (1899-1961), a soil microbiologist and agronomic researcher who worked directly with Steiner, conducted extensive research on the preparation and use of biodynamic compost. For many years Pfeiffer served as a compost consultant to municipal compost facilities, most notably Oakland, CA, as well as countries in the Caribbean, Europe, and the Far East.

Pfeiffer's research into the microbiology of compost production led to the development of a compost inoculant, BD Compost Starter®, that contains all the BD compost preparations (502-507) plus stirred BD No. 500, as well as 55 different types of microorganisms (mixed cultures of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, yeasts). BD Compost Starter® is widely used by biodynamic farmers because it is easy to apply while building the compost pile. Today, the starter is prepared and sold through the Josephine Porter Institute (JPI) for Applied Biodynamics (5) in Woolwine, Virginia.While use of BD compost preparations and/or BD Compost Starter® is universal in biodynamic composting, the actual construction and maintenance of compost piles — including frequency of aeration and length till maturity — may vary among farming operations.

The static pile method is the traditional biodynamic choice: In static piles materials are formed into a windrow, inoculated with BD preparations, covered with straw, and left undisturbed for 6 months to one year prior to use. A small amount of soil is commonly sprinkled onto the outside of the pile prior to covering with straw. Soil can also be added during the windrow construction process, when brown (carbon) and green (nitrogen) feedstock materials are laid in alternating layers.On larger farms that handle massive volumes of compost feedstock, the piles are often managed with a compost turner, so the time to maturity is much shorter, for example 2-3 months.

A new development is the aerated static pile (ASP), wherein ventilation pipes are inserted into a static pile to increase oxygen supply and reduce the length of time to compost biomaturity.Contrasting viewpoints exist in the compost industry as well as amongst on-farm compost makers as to which method is best. When push comes to shove, most people agree that the best compost method is one that fits the individual farmer's situation.Recent biodynamic research supports the static pile approach as a viable compost option. In the July-August 1997 issue of Biodynamics , Dr. William Brinton of Woods End Agricultural Research Institute published "Sustainability of Modern Composting: Intensification Versus Costs and Quality. " Brinton argues that low-tech composting methods are just as effective in stabilizing nutrients and managing humus as the management and capital intensive compost systems that employ compost turners and daily monitoring. These findings are particularly encouraging to farmers choosing the low-input approach to this age-old practice of transforming organic matter into valuable humus. The full report can be viewed on Woods End Institute's website at: <>.

At the other end of the compost spectrum are the high intensity windrow systems — for example the Controlled Microbial Composting system promoted by the Siegfried Luebke family of Austria and the Advanced Compost System promoted by Edwin Blosser of Midwestern Biosystems in Illinois — that emphasize specialized compost turners, microbial inoculation, frequent turning, daily monitoring for temperature and CO2, compost fleece to cover and protect the windrow, and qualitative testing for finished compost. In addition to efficient handling of organic wastes, premium-grade compost is a goal.It should be noted these highly mechanized systems seem to fit operations that generate large volumes of animal manures or other compost feedstocks, such as a dairy farm or food processing plant. On-farm production of compost is often matched with sale of bagged or bulk compost to local horticultural operations as a supplemental income.

Ultimately, the choice of composting method will depend to a large extent on the scale of farming operation, equipment and financial resources on hand, and intended goals for compost end-use.Research at Washington State University (WSU) by Dr. Lynn Carpenter-Boggs and Dr. John Reaganold found that biodynamic compost preparations have a significant effect on compost and the composting process.Biodynamically treated composts had higher temperatures, matured faster, and had higher nitrates than control compost piles inoculated with field soil instead of the preparations. The WSU research is unique for two reasons: it was the first biodynamic compost research undertaken at a land-grant university, and it demonstrated that biodynamic preparations are not only effective, but effective in homeopathic quantities.

A summary of this research can be found on the USDA-Agriculture Research Service's Tektran Website at: Effects of Biodynamic Preparations on Compost Development
In related research, Carpenter-Boggs and Reaganold found that biodynamically managed soils (i.e., treated with biodynamic compost and biodynamic field sprays) had greater capacity to support heterotrophic microflora activity, higher soil microorganism activity, and different types of soil microrganisms than conventionally managed soils (i.e., treated with mineral fertilizers and pesticides).

A summary of this latter research can be found on the USDA-Agriculture Research Service's Tektran Website at:Biodynamic Compost and Field Preparations: Effects on Soil Biological Community
Because compost is often at a premium on farms, European biodynamic researcher Maria Thun developed Barrel Compost. Consisting of fresh cow manure that has been treated with the original preparations as well as egg shells and basalt rock dust — then allowed to ferment in a pit for about 3 months, finished Barrel Compost is diluted in water and applied directly to the fields as a spray. Use of Barrel Compost compensates to some degree for lack of sufficient compost. A variation on Barrel Compost is mixing stinging nettle with fresh cow manure in a 50:50 volume to volume ratio.Some notable concepts and practices relating to soil and compost management from the biodynamic experience.

Microbial inoculation: Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer's work with composts in the 1940's and 50's led to the development of the BD Compost Starter®, one of the earliest compost inoculants in commercial use in the United States.Soil in Compost: The addition of soil to compost was an early biodynamic practice prescribed by Steiner. Dr. Pfeiffer discussed the reasons and benefits for adding soils to compost in the 1954 edition of Bio-Dynamics Journal (Vol. 12, No. 2) in an article titled "Raw Materials Useful for Composting." He said that soil is an essential ingredient to compost and should be added at 10%-20% of the windrow volume.Mineralized Compost: The addition of rock powders (greensand, granite dust) to compost piles is a long-time biodynamic practice known as mineralized compost. The dusts add mineral components to the compost and the organic acids released during the decomposition process help solubilize minerals in the rock powders to make nutrients more available to plants.

Phases of Compost: An outgrowth of Dr. Pfeiffer's compost research was a clearer understanding of the Breakdown and Buildup compost phases:The Breakdown Phase: In the breakdown phase organic residues are decomposed into smaller particles. Proteins are broken down into amino acids, amines, and finally to ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, and free nitrogen. Urea, uric acids, and other non-protein nitrogen-containing compunds are reduced to ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and free nitrogen. Carbon compounds are oxidized to carbon dioxide (aerobic) or reduced methane (anaerobic).The identification and understanding of breakdown microorganisms led to the development of a microbial inoculant to moderate and speed up the breakdown phase. The BD Compost Starter® developed by Dr. Pfeiffer contains a balanced mixture of the most favorable breakdown organisms, ammonifiers, nitrate formers, cellulose, sugar, and starch digesters in order to bring about the desired results. The microbial inoculant also works against organisms that cause putrefaction and odors.

The Buildup Phase: In the build-up phase simple compounds are re-synthesized into complex humic substances. The organisms responsible for transformation to humus are aerobic and facultative aerobic, sporing and non-sporing and nitrogen fixing bacteria of the azotobacter and nitrosomonas group. Actinomycetes and streptomycetes also play an important role. The addition of soil, 10% by volume, favors the development and survival of these latter organisms. The development of humus is evident in color changes in the compost, and through qualitative tests such as the circular chromatography method.Compost & Soil Evaluation: Biodynamic research into compost preparation and soil humus conditions has led to the development or specialized use of several unique qualitative tests.A notable contribution of biodynamics is the image-forming qualitative methods of analysis; e.g., circular chromatography, sensitive crystallization, capillary dynamolysis, and the drop-picture method. Other methods focus on the biological-chemical condition; e.g., The Solvita® Compost Test Kit and The Solvita® Soil Test Kit (8), colorimetric humus value, and potential pH.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


AND BIO-DYNAMIC SUSTAINABLE FARMING & GARDENING has partnered with to bring you the most advanced organic biodynamic compost there is. needs land for its new model facility: IS LOOKING FOR SOME LAND in or near West LOS ANGELES (such as Malibu, Santa Monica mountains canyons, etc) TO OPERATE MODEL FACILITY SHOWCASING HOW ANYONE CAN GROW "MIRACLE PLANTS" WITH IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTING PROPERTIES -- a wonderful opportunity to showcase truly organic & sustainable farming & gardening, as well as what it can be used for!

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Theresa

[The process of creating this model facility will be thoroughly documented through multimedia recordings, and made widely available using relevant technologies, such as DVD, RSS feeds, etc, so to be easily replicated anywhere in the world.]


If any of you readers own a piece of land in or near Los Angeles (at least 1 acre, the more the better, and ideally -but not necessarily- zoned agricultural or horse property), just partnered with one of the best available experts on bio-dynamic organic agriculture, Jack McAndrew, whose biodynamic composts have been the secret behind some of the most beautiful gardens in "Hollywood" and on the Westside for many years, the sort of gardens of the rich and famous you can see depicted in Better Homes & Gardens. [Please email if you need some of this compost.]

Jack is ready to start a serious model composting facility of the type of what Dr Ehrenfried Pfeiffer ran for the City of Oakland for many years in the past century, and this, absolutely at no costs to us! We also have volunteers lined up to help us with the workload... but we still need to find the land!

"Mother planet is showing us the red warning light - "be careful,” she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house." - HH, the Dalai Lama

More, to the full extent of what available space will permit, we intend to use the place for a pilot "Community Supported Agriculture" project, to illustrate the value of raw and living foods in human and animal nutrition, and for pilot projects growing "miracle plants" and "miracle trees" such as:

Agaricus Blazei -- an immune system booster, a mushroom delicious to eat, close cousin to the common supermarket mushroom A. Campestris, currently building great interest because of its documented effects on AIDS and HIV+ patients, particularly in form of added longevity];

Artemisia Annua -- a form of wormwood, which has similar effects, but with cancer and malaria];

Paulownia Tomentosa -- a nitrogen-fixing high carbon absorption tree that has varieties which can grow to 80+ feet in 7 to 10 years ["Don't put your face over it or you may get a mouthful of leaves." Jimmy Carter- Former President and Commercial Paulownia Grower, discussing the trees fast growth.], producing rich animal feed and very valuable wood, and a 100 feet long taproot very useful for hill management, landslide prevention, etc, plus leaves that are valuable as a base for nutraceuticals; or, best of all,

Moringa Oleifera & Moringa Stenopetala, trees which are *entirely edible* and also strong immune-system boosters: The leaves are delicious and contain more iron than spinach, 2 times more calcium than milk, 3 times more potassium than bananas, and 7 times more Vitamin C than oranges, among plenty of other things (the list goes on and on), including numerous compounds of medicinal value -- and it grows up to 15 feet a year too and should be part of a comprehensive program of terracing hills for landslide control as well!

This is the famous tree that population reductionists hate, because it is already making a significant dent into the development of the AIDS pandemic in Central and South Africa, which was promising to depopulate the entire continent... Now, if it can save the life of a malnourished African child with little or no medical support, and of his mother too, *imagine* what it could do for a well-fed, well-cared-for person in West Hollywood!

If you have a piece of unused land, donating it for a substantial tax deduction, or simply making it available at low or no cost for a reasonably long period of time could make a HUGE difference in many people's lives... In fact, this is probably one of the single most widely useful and compassionate thing you could ever do! Think of it! One acre of land could save many lives, right here, right now, including of people you personally know... and perhaps even *yours*!

And please don't forget: "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike." - John Muir

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

PS: (Delete the mailto: part if you type the addresses yourself). If anyone you know has AIDS or CANCER or any immune system related diseases, this is something you might want to send them to look at, or volunteer for!

PPS: If you know html, graphic design, RSS, PHP, PERL, MySQL, etc, or are a writer/editor, and would like to volunteer some of your time for a great cause, please email here:

NEW: A newsgroup dedicated to SAVING GAIA, our common Mother Planet, and SAVING OURSELVES IN THE PROCESS, Homepage:

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SUBSCRIBE to - the Newsgroup
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Saturday, February 19, 2005



What is compost?

Composting is a way to give back to the earth what it gave us, and to recycle organic materials into "The Health and Wealth of the Earth: Humus", as the great soil specialist of last century, Andre Birre, put it -- This was the title of his seminal book.

What is bio-dynamic compost?

Biodynamic compost is a compost made according to bio-dynamic specifications. It is a fundamental component of the biodynamic method; serves as a way to recycle animal manures and organic wastes; stabilize nitrogen; and build soil humus and enhance soil health. Biodynamic compost is unique because it is made according to very precise specifications. See our article "More on Compost".

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike." - John Muir


Maria C. Linder, Professor of Biochemistry at CalState Fullerton, once wrote about him: "Composting is not something one can pick up overnight and really do well. It takes years to get real expertise... Bio-dynamic composting is more scientifically based than most and is by far the most impressive method I have encountered. Jack has studied the process for many years, and with the best Masters in the business." [Only one of them, Peter Dukich, is still alive, and flirting with becoming a centenarian.]

Professor Linder adds: "At this time, there are very few people in the country with [Jack] experience and expertise." In fact, Dr Annenberg once said that "Jack is the only remaining Living Master in biocomposting, besides Peter Dukich." But truth is that Professor Linder herself is in fact a renowned expert in the field.


AND BIO-DYNAMIC SUSTAINABLE FARMING & GARDENING has partnered with to bring you the most advanced organic biodynamic compost there is. needs land for its new model facility


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