www.biodynamiccompost.com has partnered with www.savegaia.com to bring you the most advanced organic biodynamic compost there is. www.savegaia.com needs land for its new model facility:
http://www.savegaia.com/ IS LOOKING FOR SOME LAND in or near West LOS ANGELES (such as Malibu, Santa Monica mountains canyons, etc) TO OPERATE MODEL FACILITY SHOWCASING HOW ANYONE CAN GROW "MIRACLE PLANTS" WITH IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTING PROPERTIES -- a wonderful opportunity to showcase truly organic & sustainable farming & gardening, as well as what it can be used for!
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Theresa
[The process of creating this model facility will be thoroughly documented through multimedia recordings, and made widely available using relevant technologies, such as DVD, RSS feeds, etc, so to be easily replicated anywhere in the world.]
If any of you readers own a piece of land in or near Los Angeles (at least 1 acre, the more the better, and ideally -but not necessarily- zoned agricultural or horse property), www.savegaia.com just partnered with one of the best available experts on bio-dynamic organic agriculture, Jack McAndrew, whose biodynamic composts have been the secret behind some of the most beautiful gardens in "Hollywood" and on the Westside for many years, the sort of gardens of the rich and famous you can see depicted in Better Homes & Gardens. [Please email mailto:info@biodynamiccompost.com if you need some of this compost.]
Jack is ready to start a serious model composting facility of the type of what Dr Ehrenfried Pfeiffer ran for the City of Oakland for many years in the past century, and this, absolutely at no costs to us! We also have volunteers lined up to help us with the workload... but we still need to find the land!
"Mother planet is showing us the red warning light - "be careful,” she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house." - HH, the Dalai Lama
More, to the full extent of what available space will permit, we intend to use the place for a pilot "Community Supported Agriculture" project, to illustrate the value of raw and living foods in human and animal nutrition, and for pilot projects growing "miracle plants" and "miracle trees" such as:
Agaricus Blazei -- an immune system booster, a mushroom delicious to eat, close cousin to the common supermarket mushroom A. Campestris, currently building great interest because of its documented effects on AIDS and HIV+ patients, particularly in form of added longevity];
Artemisia Annua -- a form of wormwood, which has similar effects, but with cancer and malaria];
Paulownia Tomentosa -- a nitrogen-fixing high carbon absorption tree that has varieties which can grow to 80+ feet in 7 to 10 years ["Don't put your face over it or you may get a mouthful of leaves." Jimmy Carter- Former President and Commercial Paulownia Grower, discussing the trees fast growth.], producing rich animal feed and very valuable wood, and a 100 feet long taproot very useful for hill management, landslide prevention, etc, plus leaves that are valuable as a base for nutraceuticals; or, best of all,
Moringa Oleifera & Moringa Stenopetala, trees which are *entirely edible* and also strong immune-system boosters: The leaves are delicious and contain more iron than spinach, 2 times more calcium than milk, 3 times more potassium than bananas, and 7 times more Vitamin C than oranges, among plenty of other things (the list goes on and on), including numerous compounds of medicinal value -- and it grows up to 15 feet a year too and should be part of a comprehensive program of terracing hills for landslide control as well!
This is the famous tree that population reductionists hate, because it is already making a significant dent into the development of the AIDS pandemic in Central and South Africa, which was promising to depopulate the entire continent... Now, if it can save the life of a malnourished African child with little or no medical support, and of his mother too, *imagine* what it could do for a well-fed, well-cared-for person in West Hollywood!
If you have a piece of unused land, donating it for a substantial tax deduction, or simply making it available at low or no cost for a reasonably long period of time could make a HUGE difference in many people's lives... In fact, this is probably one of the single most widely useful and compassionate thing you could ever do! Think of it! One acre of land could save many lives, right here, right now, including of people you personally know... and perhaps even *yours*!
And please don't forget: "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike." - John Muir
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
PS: (Delete the mailto: part if you type the addresses yourself). If anyone you know has AIDS or CANCER or any immune system related diseases, this is something you might want to send them to look at, or volunteer for! mailto:volunteers@savegaia.com
PPS: If you know html, graphic design, RSS, PHP, PERL, MySQL, etc, or are a writer/editor, and would like to volunteer some of your time for a great cause, please email here: mailto:volunteers@savegaia.com
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